Marco Buzzoni

Marco Buzzoni

Marco Buzzoni is a Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law, in the Department of European and Comparative Procedural Law. He is also a Ph.D. candidate at the Sorbonne Law School (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) under the supervision of Prof. Pascal de Vareilles-Sommières. His research focuses on the interactions among European, public and private international law in the field of cross-border civil enforcement.

Prior to joining the Institute, Marco served as Lecturer in International Arbitration and ADR at the University of Poitiers (2020-2021) and as an Assistant Lecturer in Private International Law, Corporate Law, and Private Law at the Sorbonne Law School (2015-2020). He was also selected to participate in the 2021 edition of The Hague Academy Centre for Studies and Research to work on the topic “Production and Admissibility of Evidence in International Arbitration”.

Marco holds a double Master’s Degree in Italian and French Law from the University of Florence and the Sorbonne Law School (2014) and an LL.M. in International Business Transactions, Litigation and Arbitration from NYU School of Law (2015). His main research interests include private international law, comparative private law, international dispute resolution and arbitration.